Tired of the same old Talk Radio?

Everything business you need to know… In one radio segment

There are some pretty uncommon things happening in the world around us and Sovereign Radio Show will put a spotlight on some of the more unusual but important matters. We call the Segment Uncommon Things and you’ll get new information and insights to things that make you think critically and creatively. These include:

Q/Qnon – You’ve heard from the MSM that it’s a “Conspiracy Theory”. But is it? The The Military Intelligence heard around the world, estimated 60,000,000 Globally follow Q. Has President Trump quietly confirmed?
Energetics and Astrology- Planetary Alignment & impact on our physical energy & all things on earth. How do they play on politics, business and even our personal relationship.
Anecdotal Stories- Feel good stories, lessons learned and people that deserve the spotlight.

It can be exhausting trying to keep up with all the trending business developments every week. Instead of scouring the internet, turn on our business radio station/show every Saturday. We’ll do the hard work for you and give you the information you’re looking for. During our business radio talks, we take deep dives into the major:

Big tech
Consumer electronics
Small business success

Start your weekend off right by listening to our business segment on Saturday at 9 a.m.

Things Uncommon